Published Articles
Published Legal Articles
Legal News from Ted Weckel, the Utah Family Trial Lawyer
I have five published articles in the Utah State Bar Journal.
- On Becoming a More Effective Private Guardian ad Litem
- Things I Have Learned About Representing a Client in a Family Law Case
- Regarding the Standards of Professionalism and Civility and the Use of Disparaging Language as a Tactical Decision During a Criminal Trial
- Helping Our Clients Tell the Truth: Rule of Professional Conducts 2.1 in Criminal Cases
- Helping Our Clients Tell the Truth, Part II: Revisiting Utah Rule Of Professional Conduct 2.1 in Conjunction with Rules 1.2 and 1.4, the ABA Standards for Criminal Justice, and State v. Holland
Why Experience Matters
Having been a member of the bar since 1991, Ted has expertise in divorce, child custody, or alimony modification is needed to protect your rights and quality of life. Judges and opposing attorneys in Utah are more persuaded by a lawyer who exhibits knowledge of the law, preparation, and respect.
A Zealous Advocate
As a professional family law attorney in Salt Lake City, Ted is knowledgeable, collaborative and personable. He is a zealous advocate for his clients with a great deal of successful courtroom and mediation experience. We understand that expertise and integrity is key.